余仁生 - 極品濃縮無糖燕窩 [50% OFF] Eu Yan Sang Premium Concentrated Bird's Nest - Sugar Free 150 g #4406
余仁生 - 極品濃縮無糖燕窩 [50% OFF] Eu Yan Sang Premium Concentrated Bird's Nest - Sugar Free 150 g #4406
余仁生 - 極品濃縮無糖燕窩 [50% OFF] Eu Yan Sang Premium Concentrated Bird's Nest - Sugar Free 150 g #4406
余仁生 - 極品濃縮無糖燕窩 [50% OFF] Eu Yan Sang Premium Concentrated Bird's Nest - Sugar Free 150 g #4406
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余仁生 - 極品濃縮無糖燕窩 [50% OFF] Eu Yan Sang Premium Concentrated Bird's Nest - Sugar Free 150 g #4406

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Net Wt: 150 g  

Product of Malaysia

世界上最上乘的燕窩均產自馬來西亞及印尼,余仁生極品濃縮冰糖燕窩選用馬來西亞上等珍品燕窩精製而成,採用純手工洗燕工藝挑毛去染,保留天然金黃色澤。 即開即飲,冷熱皆宜,適合所有年齡層。

燕窩的主要成分為醣蛋白、碳水化合物和微量元素。 香港中文大學的研究人員進行的科學研究發現,燕窩中含有豐富的表皮生長因子(EGF)。 表皮生長因子是一種低分子量多勝肽,具有美容養顏的功效。

燕窩含有的氨基酸種類和數量都非常豐富,包括絲氨酸、蘇氨酸、天門冬氨酸、穀氨酸、脯氨酸和纈氨酸等。 因此,食用燕窩對人體健康有益。



  • 不含人工色素
  • 不含人工香料
  • 不含防腐劑
  • 不含穩定劑
  • 通過清真食品(Halal)認證


直接服用,冷熱皆可。 早晚各服一湯匙。 開瓶後,請冷藏並於兩週內服完。


為確保產品的品質與安全,餘仁生燕窩精選優質燕窩原料並由取得 HACCP 認證的食品工廠生產製造。 燕窩必須先經過一系列嚴格的清洗程序,以確保燕窩沒有任何雜質。 然後,進行高溫殺菌處理,確保燕窩的安全衛生。 絕不添加任何防腐劑、色素或香料,完全保留了燕窩的原始的風味和營養。

極品濃縮燕窩 與 非濃縮 燕窩 的主要區別:



In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), bird's nest is considered as having a neutral (neither hot nor cold) energetic property with special influence on the lungs, kidneys and stomach.  It is traditionally known that bird's nest with whiter appearance is superior for the lungs, having the ability to reduce phlegm, while those orange-reddish ones are excellent for skin problems.

Bird's nest is a superior health food in many ways.  The proteins found in bird's nest, being easily digestible, can be used for convalescing (recovering from serious illness) patients.  It is also widely consumed during pre and post-natal periods.  For beauty care, it has been used to reduce or eliminate liver spots in the elderly, improve complexion and manage skin irritations in babies and adults.

Specially prepared from superior quality royal bird's nest, Eu Yan Sang Premium Concentrated Bird's Nest (Sugar Free) is rich and thick in its texture. With egg-like aroma and pleasant taste, the product has been vacuum treated. It is ideal for those who are wary of their sugar intake.

  • No artificial coloring

  • No artificial flavoring

  • No preservatives

  • No stabilizer


EXP DATE 有效期: Dec 22, 2024