FAQ 常見問題

 Q:   下單後什麼時候可以取貨?

A: 808SUPER店面並非24小時便利店,辦公時間為早上11點-下午4時,當然您可以24小時全天候於網上下單,但所有訂單實際會於營業時間處理。(由於每天早上是貨倉進出重物、貨車出入繁忙時間,基於安全考量,11時前倉庫謝絕一切客人,如有任何自身安全問題閣下自理。) 如急於早上取貨者可先致電聯絡我們安排,謝謝合作。

Q:    What is the best hours to pick up my order? 

A: 808SUPER is not a 24-hour convenience store. The office hours are 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. You can place online orders 24 hours a day, but all orders will actually be processed during business hours. (Morning is a peak time for warehouse trucks and forklifts entry and exit, for safety considerations, we refuses all customers before 11:00. You are responsible to your own safety if there are any issues.) If you really need to pick up in the morning, welcome to CALL US FIRST, PLEASE, we will be happy to arrange for you. Thank you for your cooperation.


 Q: 你們送貨嗎?你們的運費是多少?

A: 我們只批發運送給商家。對於零售客戶,我們只能提供本地倉庫取貨服務。如客戶想要購買乾貨 (不容易腐壞食品/物品) 及不介意支付運費,我們也樂意提供服務 (運費根據重量和距離計算) 歡迎聯繫我們商議查詢。

Q: Do you deliver and what is your shipping fee? 

A: We only deliver to wholesale clients. For retail customer, we only provide local pick-up service. However, we are willing to accommodate customers in California who want to purchase some non-perishable items. Shipping fee based on weight and distance. Please contact us for inquiry. 


Q:  你們接受什麼付款方式?

A: 我們接受 SHOP Pay, 各大信用卡如 American Express,Mastercard,Visa,JCB 等。

 Q:  What forms of payment do you accept?

A: We accept SHOP Pay and credit cards (American Express, Mastercard, Visa, JCB etc).



 Q: 我可以在你們倉庫選購嗎?

A: 由於人手嚴重短缺,我們沒法提供門市服務,倉庫暫不對公眾開放。閣下只能來領取在網上訂購的商品,但是我們正為重新開放作出準備,敬請密切留意。

Q: Can I shop at your warehouse?

A: Due to severe manpower shortage, we are unable to provide store services, our warehouse is still closed to the public. You can only come to pick up items you have ordered online but we are preparing for reopening, so stay tuned.



Q: 等了很久都收不到你們的提貨通知,怎麼辦?

A:您不用空等,下單後次日下午直接來取貨便可(週末及假期除外)。客戶提供錯誤號碼或電郵、收發訊號不佳、手機或電腦安全程式攔截等等因素,致訊息未能接收等原因時有發生,訂單一般於24小時內準備就緒,在您每次下單後的次日便可取貨,下午直接前來領取吧,或歡迎先致電查詢。 (週末及假期除外,如星期五下單,需於下星期一來。)

Q: What should I do if I don't receive your notification after waiting for a long time? 

A: You do not need to keep waiting for the notification, just come to us the following weekday in the afternoon. Wrong numbers or email provided by customers, poor signals, blocking of mobile phone or computer security program, etc., resulting in the failure to receive messages sometimes. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please check your spam and junk mail folders.

All orders are ready within 24 hours (max.) for sure (weekdays). Just feel free to come over in the afternoon, or you may call us to check. 




A:付款確認後我們盡快進行配貨,訂單實際付款後才生效:在購物車內的貨品不代表貨已留,未完成付款前,儘管貨品在購物車內還是可以被他人買走,那麼在您下訂單後變會出現缺貨情形。由於人手理貨與電腦系統更新之間存在時間差異,造成客戶在實際售罄時仍可下單。我們盡努力確認每件商品都有現貨庫存,但仍沒法避免某些熱銷貨品在短時間內售罄,跟不上供應,或供應商延遲向我們發貨等。如排單後發現沒有現貨,或遇產品質量未如理想 (如農產品發貨時不夠新鮮、食品重量不足、發現貨品損壞或逾期等) 我們也會決定不向您發貨,並辦理退款。不便之處,敬請原諒。

Q: Why do I still encounter shortages after placing an order? 

A: After the payment is confirmed, we will arrange your items as soon as possible. The products placed in the shopping cart do not mean that they have been reserved. The order is valid from the actual payment. If there are more customers placing orders at the same time, there may be a shortage after the order is placed. Due to the time difference between handling and the computer system update, customers may still be able to place the order when it is sold out. We try our best to make sure that everything is in stock. However due to the supplier’s delay in delivering to us, it is still impossible to prevent some hot-selling items from selling out in a short period of time or failing to keep up with the supply. In addition, if the quality of the product is not as ideal, for example when the agricultural products are not fresh enough when we pack them, underweight, or the products are found to be damaged or expiring, we will also decide not to sell and process a refund instead. Sorry for any inconveniences caused.



Q: 提貨時可以即場付款加購嗎?

A: 我們的倉庫暫時沒有完善的收銀服務,想要快速加購煩請您先登入808super.com下單付款,以便我們員工迅速把貨品找給您。


Q: Can I make additional purchases when I pick-up my order?

A: Since we still do not have cashier on duty, if you want to add items to your purchase, please log in 808super.com to finish your payment while our staff collects what you need. 

Before re-opening officially, merchandise is available on a first order, first get basis (priority is based on the online order number after payment). Once we confirm that the inventory is sufficient after you paid online, you can take them right away and no need to wait one more day. If you are adding more than 3 items, please kindly pick up the next day.

Thank you for your cooperation.





Q: What if something t I ordered and paid is out of stock? 

A: We will refund the full price of the item and notify you via SMS or email depends on which one you provided.




A: 目前為止我們只接受新鮮海膽刺身預訂,其他貨品請密切留意網站,補貨後我們馬上會在808super.com發售。

Q: The thing I want is always sold out, do you accept a pre-order or if you can hold it for me once it gets in stock?

A: We only accept pre-order for Uni Sashimi (fresh sea urchins)so far. Please pay attention to the website for other products. Once they are restocked they will be available on 808super.com.



Q 您們的A5和牛有真品證明嗎?

A:有。我們每一批頂級A5和牛附帶真品證明書,註明品種,牛的部位,產地,牛隻識別編號,性別,屠宰日期,出生日期,BMS(脂肪大理石紋理分佈等級)和牛隻本身的名字,以證明達到日本特級和牛的嚴格要求:純種,日本黑毛和牛,在日本飼養,並已達到特級品質。 顧客可通過獨一無二的牛隻識別號追溯牛隻源頭,從而確保其優質和安全。 每批和牛只被簽發一張證書,我們無法提供給所有客戶,但歡迎到來查閱。

Q: Does your Grade A Wagyu have a certificate of authenticity? 

A: Yes! Each batch of our grade A5 Wagyu have a certificate of authenticity indicating the breed, description of parts of the cattle, prefecture, animal ID, Gender, Process Date, Birth Date, BMS (Beef Marbling Standard) and the name of the cattle. That is certified as having met the strict requirements of the Japanese premium Wagyu: pure-breed, Japanese Kuroge Wagyu, raised in Japan and having attained the rank of premium quality. Customer is traceable with a unique cattle identification number, providing assurance of its premium quality and safety. Since there is only one certificate for each batch of Wagyu, it is impossible to issue one for every single piece customer order. However, you are welcome to check it out in our office.