Collection: 乾貨 藥材 Dry Goods & Herbs

  • 808SUPER網頁的中藥材描述僅用於提供資訊供客戶參考。808SUPER不保證或代表,也不對產品描述中列出的任何營養成分,過敏原或加州65號提案資訊的準確性承擔任何責任。顧客不應完全依賴網頁上列出的產品描述,請自行衡量。中藥材資訊詳情請諮詢註冊專業中醫師。
  • Product descriptions on 808SUPER‘s website are for informational purposes only. 808SUPER does not warrant or represent, or assume any responsibility for, the accuracy of any nutritional, allergen or proposition 65 warning information listed in the product description. Please consult the registered professional Chinese physicians if needed.
95 products