購物流程 Shopping Process
手機用戶:可點擊屏幕右上 ≡ 展開菜單 ※
①選購商品 →②加入購物車→③完成付款→④獲得提貨號碼 Pick-up#____→⑤翌日中午後到以下地址取貨
取貨時間:11:00AM - 4:30PM (週一至週五)
*** 您可以24小時全天候於808super.com網上下單,所有訂單實際會於營業時間處理。由於每天早上是貨倉進出重物、貨車出入繁忙時間,基於安全考量,客人請避免於早上11時前來,如有任何自身安全問題請閣下自理。
Shopping Process
①Shop→②Add to shopping cart→③Complete payment→④Get pick-up number "Pick-up#____" →⑤Collect at the address below the following weekday afternoon
Pickup time: 11:00AM-4:30PM (Monday to Friday) Closed on weekends and public holidays of the United States, pick-up will be available within 24 hours (next working day) after the order is placed
Friendly Reminder:
***808SUPER is not a 24-hour convenience store. Office hours are 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. You can place orders online 24 hours a day, but all orders will actually be processed during business hours. (Morning is the peak time for warehouse trucks and forklifts entry and exit, for safety considerations, we refuses all customers before 11:00. You are responsible to your own safety if there are any issues.) If you really need to pick up in the morning, welcome to call us first at 510-764-4416, we will be happy to arrange for you. Thank you for your cooperation.
Get Direction: 按此展開地圖獲取路線 |