產品號碼 Item Number: 2703
淨重:24oz Net Weight: 24oz (Serve about 3 cups)
Soup Moment心意湯特色:
- 100% 全天然成份,看得見的真材實料
- 低鈉,不額外添加糖、不含味精、人造香料、色素、防腐劑或人工合成成分
- 一包約 3 碗
- BPA Free內袋可直接放入熱水中解凍加熱 (內袋不可直接放入微波爐,使用微波爐加熱請先倒入器皿)
- 姬松茸
- 茶樹菇
- 雞
Cream mushroom soup is boring. Try our exotic mushrooms soup that absolutely "wow' your culinary experience. Native to Brazil, Agaricus blazei mushroom is an excellent gourmet variety utilized exquisite buttery rich flavor, subtly sweet almond-like taste and meaty texture. Added with shiitake and poplar mushrooms, our exceptionally aromatic soup would provides you absolutely splendid and uniquely pleasant taste that you never try before.
Superfood Ingredients: AGARICUS BLAZEI (also known as Himematsutake)
Chicken Broth, Chicken Meat, Shiitake Mushroom, Poplar Mushroom, Carrots, Agricus Blazei Mushroom, Job’s Tears Seeds, Figs, Dates, Unsalted Butter, Red Dates, Ginger, Sea Salt
鷄湯, 鷄肉,花菇,茶樹菇,紅蘿蔔,姫松茸,薏米,無花果,棗,無鹽牛油,紅棗,薑,海鹽。
Contains: Milk
產地: 美國 Product of USA