Item# 81001B8
Each order: 8 oz
Chrysanthemum has been used for hundreds of years in Chinese medicine to treat respiratory problems, high blood pressure, and hyperthyroidism. It can also reduce inflammation and calm your nerves.
Chrysanthemum provides mildly cold energy. It has special affinity to the energy channels that lead to the lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys. It is also recommended for reducing fever and cold symptoms in a natural way.
- Put 3-5 grams of flowers, rinse with fresh water and put them into teapot
- Brew with 90°C hot water and let it steeped 2-5 minutes.
- For better taste, add honey. For better vision and eyes health, add dried goji berries
- It can be re-steeped until tasteless
- 胎菊主要的作用包括疏風清熱,平肝明目。放入適量枸杞子、桑葉等混合泡飲,就是中醫經典清火明目的組方茶-菊啟茶。
- 能擴張心臟冠狀動脈,增加動脈血流量,提高心肌細胞對缺氧的耐受能力,臨床可用作降壓藥物。
- 加快膽固醇的代謝,抑制甘油三醋的升高,最終達到預防或者治療臨床上輔助治療高血脂的疾病。
- 對單純性的疤疹病毒、麻疹病毒以及脊髓灰質炎病毒也有一定的殺傷抑制能力。
- 對體外的大腸桿菌、痢疾桿菌、傷寒桿菌、副傷寒桿菌、變形菌以及綠膿桿菌和霍亂弧菌等細菌具有完全的抑製作用
- 對人體的結核桿菌有某些抑制效果。
- 能夠提高腦細胞的活性,防止腦血管的意外或病變,延緩腦功能減退,保護細胞生物膜超氧陰離子自由基,達到抗衰老目的
- 幫助擴張腦部血管,增加腦部的血流供應,對大腦起到良好的保護作用。
- 把 3-5克花 / 草放入茶壺內, 用食水沖洗一遍.
- 注入約 90 'C (194'F)熱水冲泡, 悶泡 2-5 分鐘.
- 加入枸杞子明目,或加入蜂蜜,味道更佳.
- 可回沖 2-3 次或至無味.
胎菊花 + 野黃蜂糖 = 平肝明目
胎菊花 + 博士綠茶 = 清口氣除暗瘡
胎菊花 + 牛蒡 = 降低心血管疾病
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