產品號碼 Item Number: 2700
淨重:24oz Net Weight: 24oz
- 100% 全天然成份,真材實料
- 從不添加味精,人造香料,色素,防腐劑或人工合成成分
- BPA FREE 內袋可直接放入熱水中解凍及加熱,保留原汁原味,滴滴精華一滴不留,原袋倒出即可享用,無需加水稀釋,健康、方便、味美
- 一包約 3 碗
- (內袋不可直接放入微波爐) 使用微波爐加熱請先倒入器皿
Soup Moment 心意湯特色:
滋補佳品,真正無添加老火湯。椰子雞湯採用100%純淨的天然成份熬製而成。 無防腐劑、人工香料、色素、味精、不額外加糖或合成成分,並使用低鈉調味,使雞肉風味和香草香氣完美平衡,無需加水稀釋,一包約有三碗。BPA FREE 內袋可直接放入熱水中解凍及加熱,保留原汁原味,原袋倒出即可享用,滴滴精華一滴不留,有益健康方便味美,一試難忘。
This delicious coconut chicken soup features soothing chicken stock, refreshing coconut water, tropical flavor coconut and tender chicken meat.
Superfood Ingredients: COCONUT WATER Rich in Potassium and other Electrolytes. COCONUT MEAT Tender young coconut meat with tropical flavor.
Coconut Chicken Soup is made with CLEAN and 100% NATURAL ingredients. No artificial flavors, colorings, MSG, added sugar, preservatives or synthetic ingredients is ever added in the soup. The soup is seasoned with low sodium and have perfect balance of chicken flavors and aromas from herbs.
產地: 美國 Product of USA