蜂皇乳/蜂王漿 (需攝氏4度以下冷藏)
那你怎麼吃呢? 推薦的用法很簡單:一天兩次,每次一到兩茶匙,放舌下慢慢嚥下,最好在兩餐之間,空腹喝少量水。

含有B族維生素、蛋白質、生物素、氨基酸和單醣,具有抗菌成分。可能有助於傷口癒合和其他炎症性皮膚病。 眾所周知,它具有抗菌作用,可以保持傷口清潔,免受感染 。 一項動物研究顯示,能促進皮膚膠原蛋白增加。
Hurley Bee 未經加工的新鮮純正蜂王漿,直接由養蜂人從健全的蜂巢中採集,沒有添加任何成分。 不含人工色素、香料、防腐劑或添加劑。
新鮮的蜂王漿是蜂王(蜂后)食用的“牛奶”,有助於延長牠們的壽命。 由護士蜂工蜂生產,這種乳白色、淡黃色、奶油狀的液體是蜂王(蜂后)唯一的食物來源,它是她每天產下超過 1500 個卵的全部能量的地方! 多虧了蜂王漿,蜂王(蜂后)可以活到 4 年,幾乎是工蜂壽命的 50 倍,其豐富營養不容置疑。
- 蜂王乳可能幫助傷口癒合
- 蜂王乳可能減少心血管疾病風險
- 蜂王乳可能幫助糖尿病的血糖控制與抗氧化
- 蜂王乳可能緩解更年期症狀
- 蜂王乳可能緩解經前症候群
- 蜂王乳可能改善乾眼症
溫馨提示:不適合人群:哮喘、乳癌或有乳癌家族病史、子宮肌瘤患者、青春期前小童 都不適宜
Reminder: Not suitable for people: asthma, breast cancer or family history of breast cancer, patients with uterine fibroids, pre-adolescent children are not suitable
Royal Jelly/Royal Jelly (Refrigerate below 4°C)
Oral and topical use:
Contains B vitamins, protein, biotin, amino acids and monosaccharides with antibacterial properties. May aid in wound healing and other inflammatory skin conditions. It is known to have antibacterial properties that keep wounds clean and free from infection. An animal study showed that it can promote the increase of skin collagen.
Hurley Bee Unprocessed Fresh Pure Royal Jelly, collected by beekeepers directly from healthy beehives, with no added ingredients. Contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or additives.
Fresh royal jelly is the "milk" consumed by the queen bee (queen bee) to help prolong their lifespan. Produced by nurse worker bees, this milky, yellowish, creamy liquid is the only food source for the queen bee (queen bee), and it is where she lays all of her energy for laying over 1500 eggs a day! Thanks to royal jelly, the queen bee (queen bee) can live up to 4 years, almost 50 times the lifespan of worker bees, and its rich nutrition is beyond doubt.
- Royal jelly may help wounds heal
- Royal jelly may reduce cardiovascular disease risk
- Royal Jelly May Help Diabetes with Blood Sugar Control and Antioxidant
- Royal jelly may ease menopause symptoms
- Royal jelly may relieve PMS
- Royal jelly may improve dry eye
- Fresh royal jelly with ice is better
How to choose: The process of harvesting and whether to "refrigerate" afterward are the key points to consider when you choose. The reason is that the proteolytic enzymes of royal jelly are still working at room temperature and continue to break down the protein of royal jelly. , an environment below 4C can avoid this process, but some studies suggest that freezing can further avoid the destruction of active ingredients. What if it wasn't ice originally? Then please consume it as soon as possible and store it in the refrigerator instead.
The longer the royal jelly is stored, the more yellow the color is. What's the matter?
The royal jelly just produced by the rearing worker bees is a milky white liquid, but the color will gradually turn yellow with the passage of time. This is because the sugar in the royal jelly has a Mena reaction with the protein, and it can be stored in the refrigerator. delay the reaction.
SO how do you eat it? Easy. Just take a teaspoon under the tongue. The recommended usage is simple: one or two teaspoons twice a day, preferably between meals on an empty stomach with a small amount of water.
Ref: https://www.medpartner.club/royal-jelly-efficacy-introduction/