Net Wt. 700 g x12 pks
Product of Canada
一盒兩件 2 packs in 1 box
Sunrise Traditional Freshpack Tofu
質地類似於中等硬度的豆腐。 每個包裝包含兩塊經過輕微巴氏殺菌的豆腐,以保留新鮮豆腐的傳統品質。 這種豆腐用於湯、燉菜和火鍋。 油炸並佐以辣椒醬時,也是一道很好的開胃菜。
Has a texture similar to medium firm tofu. Each package contains two blocks of tofu that are lightly pasteurized to preserve the traditional qualities of freshly made tofu. This style of tofu is used in soups, stews and hot pots. It also makes a great appetizer when deep fried and served with chili sauce.