Our store will be closed on 12/23, 12/30, OPEN on 12/25, 1/1

Collection: 家禽/肉類/水產 Poultry/Meat/Seafood

 ‣家禽Poultry  ‣肉類Meat  ‣水產Seafood

請注意:按重量算之 肉類/水產 供應商提供包裝及牌子時有不同,網上圖片或資料未能即時更新,顧客如對特定品牌或包裝有堅持,取貨時請注意查收,如不滿意到時可取消,謝謝😊。
Please note: Meat and seafood (by weight) suppliers provided different packaging or brands sometimes, which cannot be updated in real time on the Internet. If you insist on the brand or packaging you may cancel your order when you pickup.😊



60 products