產品號碼 Item Number: 2010
韓國天然野生一日即發乾海參 - 中碼
淨重:3 安士 (一盒25-35條)
✔️簡單 - 無需清理腸臟及內壁
✔️方便 - 無需繁複泡浸海參程序
✔️快捷 - 只需將海參放入保溫瓶,24小時速發8-12倍即可食用或烹調
✔️健康- 海參營養價值高,它是高蛋白,低脂肪,低膽固醇食物
產地: 韓國
One Day Fast Soak Dry Sea Cucumber Size M (Korea)
Net Weight: 3 oz (25-35 pc/bx)
✔️Simple - Intestines and inside are all cleaned
✔️Convenient - No soaking procedure is needed
✔️Fast - Keep Sea Cucumber in vacuum warmer for 24 hours with hot water, it will be enlarged 8-10 times and will be ready to serve or cook
✔️Healthy- Sea cucumber has high nutritional value, it's high in protein, low in fat and cholestrol